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New England
Brown Swiss Association
We would like to express our heart felt and deepest condolences to the Main family, Ken's fiance Marion, Elite Dairy Farm Staff Steve Vail and Mouse, Tim Coon, and Dr. Kenny Joe Mannion during this time of Ken's passing.
Ken's success was truly unparalleled in the Brown Swiss world, purchasing, breeding, developing, exhibiting, and marketing many of the breeds best cows and cow families. He achieved this first with his Elite Dairy I herd in Partnership with Peter Vail, then later with his current Elite Dairy 2 herd with Dr. Kenny Joe Mannion. He also developed and had outstanding success for many years with his Berkshire Valley Holstein herd.
Ken was a great neighbor and friend to our New England Association for many years. He hosted a very successful farm tour and picnic during the 2021 National Convention host by New England.
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